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What do you want Wellington to be like in 2050?
About Future Wellington
Wellington Shire Council is in the process of reviewing our Community Vision and long-term plans that guide the direction and priorities of our community. Our current Community Vision 2031, which was initially created in 2008 and has been regularly reviewed, reflects what our community envisions for the future of Wellington Shire. We have been working towards this vision alongside our Council Plan 2021-2025. Now, we want to ensure this vision aligns with the evolving goals and priorities of our community. You can view the current plans below:
If you need additional support to engage with Future Wellington, please reach out by calling 1300 366 244 or email
What’s next
Thank you to everyone who has contributed their ideas and aspirations during the first stage of consultation for Future Wellington. We had nearly 1,900 responses across surveys, competitions, workshops and postcards which was amazing to see! Your input is critical in helping shape the future of our communities.
Future Wellington Think Tank
Thank you to everyone who completed an EOI for the Future Wellington Think Tank.
This group, consisting of up to 30 passionate community members, will reflect the diverse demographics of Wellington Shire. Their role will be to analyse the feedback collected during the first stage of consultation and draft the new Community Vision and priorities to guide the Council Plan and other plans. These include a new Community Vision led by the local community, the 2025-2029 Council Plan, the 10-year Asset Plan, the 10-year Financial Plan, and the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.
We will be contacting individuals in December 2024 regarding their participation in the February sessions.
What do you want Wellington to be like in 2050?
About Future Wellington
Wellington Shire Council is in the process of reviewing our Community Vision and long-term plans that guide the direction and priorities of our community. Our current Community Vision 2031, which was initially created in 2008 and has been regularly reviewed, reflects what our community envisions for the future of Wellington Shire. We have been working towards this vision alongside our Council Plan 2021-2025. Now, we want to ensure this vision aligns with the evolving goals and priorities of our community. You can view the current plans below:
If you need additional support to engage with Future Wellington, please reach out by calling 1300 366 244 or email
What’s next
Thank you to everyone who has contributed their ideas and aspirations during the first stage of consultation for Future Wellington. We had nearly 1,900 responses across surveys, competitions, workshops and postcards which was amazing to see! Your input is critical in helping shape the future of our communities.
Future Wellington Think Tank
Thank you to everyone who completed an EOI for the Future Wellington Think Tank.
This group, consisting of up to 30 passionate community members, will reflect the diverse demographics of Wellington Shire. Their role will be to analyse the feedback collected during the first stage of consultation and draft the new Community Vision and priorities to guide the Council Plan and other plans. These include a new Community Vision led by the local community, the 2025-2029 Council Plan, the 10-year Asset Plan, the 10-year Financial Plan, and the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.
We will be contacting individuals in December 2024 regarding their participation in the February sessions.
The EOI process to join the Think Tank will be open from 28 October to 17 November 2024. The Think Tank will draft the new Community Vision and priorities to inform the 2025-2029 Council Plan, and several crucial sub-plans. Together, these documents will chart the course for our community’s growth, wellbeing, and success.
The Future Wellington Think Tank will consist of 25-30 passionate community members, which will reflect the diverse demographics of Wellington Shire. Their role will be to delve into the feedback gathered during the July-August 2024 ‘stage one’ consultation period and draft the new Community Vision and priorities to inform the Council Plan and other plans. These include a refreshed Community Vision led by the local community, the 2025-2029 Council Plan, the 10-year Asset Plan, the 10-year Financial Plan, and the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.
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To be directly notified via email when the EOI process is open for the Future Wellington Think Tank leave your name and email address below.
Election period begins on 17 September and will end after the election, 26 October.
Throughout election period Future Wellington engagement will be paused, resuming with the EOI process opening on 28 October.
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Help shape the future of Wellington Shire! Wellington Shire Council needs your help to plan for the future. We are reviewing our Community Vision, Council Plan, Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, Asset, and Financial Plans and we want to hear from you!
Win a $50 voucher! By completing this survey, you can help shape the future of Wellington Shire and have the chance to win one of four $50 vouchers.
You may complete this survey as an individual or on behalf of your community group, please indicate this at the end of the survey.
Open for feedback: 1 July to 31 August 2024
Time to complete: Less than 10 minutes
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This form is for uploading an entry to the Future Wellington drawing competition:
Draw your vision of Future Wellington!
The drawing competition is open to all ages
All entries will go into the draw to win a prize!
Uploading your drawing means you agree for your image to be used by Wellington Shire Council for promotion purposes.
To be eligible for a prize you must live or work in Wellington Shire at the time the entry was uploaded.
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This form is for uploading an entry to the Future Wellington photo/video competition:
The photo/video competition is open to all ages
Videos must be 30sec - 5mins in length
Capture what Wellington means to you
All entries will go into the draw to win a prize!
Uploading your entry means you agree for your photo or video entry to be used by Wellington Shire Council for promotion purposes.
To be eligible for a prize you must live or work in Wellington Shire at the time the entry was uploaded.
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To be eligible for a prize your group must be located in Wellington Shire.
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Future Wellington has launched - upcoming consultation opportunities will be advertised here and on Wellington Shire Council's Facebook page.
Future Wellington Roadshow
Future Wellington has finished this stage
Have your say on the Future of Wellington!
Opportunities to have your say on Wellington's future are happening across the shire from 1 July 2024. Opportunities include in-person events, completing a postcard or completing a survey by 31 August 2024.
The Roadshow (stage 1) has concluded.
Future Wellington has finished this stage
Election Period
Future Wellington has finished this stage
Election Period commences and council officers will collect all the information the community has given via postcard, competitions, survey, workshops and pop-ups.
Stage 2 Commences
Future Wellington has finished this stage
EOI is open for the Future Wellington Think Tank.
Stage 2 - EOI Closed
Future Wellington has finished this stage
The EOI process for the Think Tank has now closed and participants will be contacted.
Community Check-in Findings Report Complete
Future Wellington has finished this stage
The Community Check-in Findings Report has been uploaded to the documents section of this page.
Stage 2 - Think Tank participants contacted.
Future Wellington has finished this stage
Think Tank
Future Wellington is currently at this stage
The Think Tank sessions are being held February 2025.
Documents Adopted by Council
this is an upcoming stage for Future Wellington
Quick Polls
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