Future Wellington Think Tank Expression of Interest
The EOI process to join the Think Tank will be open from 28 October to 17 November 2024. The Think Tank will draft the new Community Vision and priorities to inform the 2025-2029 Council Plan, and several crucial sub-plans. Together, these documents will chart the course for our community’s growth, wellbeing, and success.
The Future Wellington Think Tank will consist of 25-30 passionate community members, which will reflect the diverse demographics of Wellington Shire. Their role will be to delve into the feedback gathered during the July-August 2024 ‘stage one’ consultation period and draft the new Community Vision and priorities to inform the Council Plan and other plans. These include a refreshed Community Vision led by the local community, the 2025-2029 Council Plan, the 10-year Asset Plan, the 10-year Financial Plan, and the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.
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