What does Future Wellington include?

    Future Wellington includes community engagement to review five essential documents that guide Wellington Shire Council’s major long-term community, health, assets and financial plans.   

    • Community Vision  
    • Council Plan  

    • Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan  

    • Asset Plan; and  

    • Financial Plan. 

    Where can I read these plans?

    What is the purpose of these documents?

    The community Vision and these long-term planning documents that guide Wellington Shire Council’s direction and the service we deliver. The details are shown below: 



    Community Vision 


    • Guides the long-term vision, planning, decision-making and expectations for the shire for at least the next 10 financial years. 

    Council Plan  

    • Details the projects and priorities aligned with the Community Vision for at least the next 4 financial years after a general election.  

    Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan  

    • Outlines the community outcomes and health priorities for Wellington Shire Council over the next four years.  

    Financial Plan  


    • A guiding document to consider when developing Council’s annual plan and budget.  

    • Forecasts Council’s financial position in future years, based on assumptions outlined in this document.  

    Asset Plan  


    • Provides an overview of the whole of life management of each asset class, including current performance, maintenance, renewal, upgrade, disposal, and creation plans for at least the next 10 financial years. 

    • Also includes the funding required to maintain assets to their service potential is modelled to ensure that future maintenance costs are optimised.  

    Why does Council need to review these documents?

    The Local Government Act 2020 requires Council to review these documents to ensure our direction and the services we deliver are tailored to meet the communities needs and hopes for the future. 

    How do these plans affect me?

    These plans affect everybody in Wellington Shire. They guide the day-to-day work of Council as well as longer-term decisions and include the services Council provides, the buildings and facilities it invests in, and how it supports the health and wellbeing of the community and environment.   

    Need help?

    If you need assistance email futurewellington@wellington.vic.gov.au or phone 1300 366 244.   

    Council can assist in arranging a telephone interpreter or for translated resources, just call or email to enquire.

    You can use the in-built translation feature at the top right of your screen to translate the home page and survey functions of this page.

    Printed versions of the survey will be available by request at customer service or at your local library branch from 1 July.