Healthy Wellington 2021 – 2025

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Consultation has concluded

We are in the final stages of developing Council’s NEW four-year Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, known as 'Healthy Wellington 2021 - 2025'. This strategy will set out how we will work together with our community to improve health and wellbeing for all ages and abilities.

As part of the planning and engagement phase, the draft Healthy Wellington 2021 - 2025 strategy will have a 'Healthy Wellington Strategic Framework' which will guide how we deliver actions that will improve the health and wellbeing of our community.

Healthy Wellington 2021 - 2025 will be underpinned by annual implementation plan that will be developed after the completion of this strategy, and updated and reported on annually. Feedback received as part of this engagement will also inform the types of projects and actions that will be listed in the implementation plan.

We are in the final stages of developing Council’s NEW four-year Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, known as 'Healthy Wellington 2021 - 2025'. This strategy will set out how we will work together with our community to improve health and wellbeing for all ages and abilities.

As part of the planning and engagement phase, the draft Healthy Wellington 2021 - 2025 strategy will have a 'Healthy Wellington Strategic Framework' which will guide how we deliver actions that will improve the health and wellbeing of our community.

Healthy Wellington 2021 - 2025 will be underpinned by annual implementation plan that will be developed after the completion of this strategy, and updated and reported on annually. Feedback received as part of this engagement will also inform the types of projects and actions that will be listed in the implementation plan.

Consultation has concluded
  • Healthy Wellington Pop Up Sessions!

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    Head to a Healthy Wellington pop-up session

    Gormandale - Saturday 20 March, 10am-noon, Community House BBQ event

    Maffra - Tuesday 23 March, 2pm to 6pm, Drop in Session at Maffra Memorial Hall

    Boisdale - Wednesday 24 March, 7.30 to 9pm, Boisdale Progress meeting, Boisdale Hall

    Heyfield - Thursday 25 March, 11.30am-1.30pm, pop up stall outside IGA Supermarket

    Briagolong - Friday 26 March, 8am to 9.30am, pop up stall at Briagolong Post Office-General Store

    Briagolong - Friday 26 March, Noon to 1.30pm, pop up stall at Briagolong Hall

    Stratford - Saturday 27 March, 10am to 1pm, pop up stall at Stratford Library

    Port Albert - Sunday 28 March, 11am to 1pm, pop up stall next to Wharf Fish & Chips

    Golden Beach - Saturday 3 April, 10am-noon, pop up stall at Easter Market - RV Site,

    Yarram - Saturday 3 April, 12 pm to 5pm, pop up stall at Easter Family Carnival - Yarram Recreational Reserve

    Sale - Wednesday 7 April, 1pm to 3pm, pop up stall at Port Of Sale Electric Vehicle Charge Point Launch

    Stratford - Saturday 24 April, 10am to 1pm, pop up stall at Apex Park Relaunch

    Yarram - Thursday 6 May, 11am to 1pm, pop up stall next to Foodworks Supermarket

    Sale - Thursday 13 May, 9am to 4pm, pop up stall in Gippsland Centre Sale (centre court)

    Loch Sport - Thursday 20 May, 11am to 1pm pop up stall near Loch Sport Foodworks

    Rosedale - Thursday 27 May, 11am to 1pm, Pop up stall between IGA Supermarket and Bakery

  • Healthy Wellington Newsfeed

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    Help set Wellington’s health priorities!

    Improving the health and wellbeing of our community is a key priority at Wellington Shire Council – and creating a healthy shire begins with strong community engagement.

    Every four years, Council revisits its Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, known as Healthy Wellington, and right now, as Council works to create its 2021-25 plan, it wants to hear from those who live and work in the shire.

    From now until the end of May (10 weeks), Council will offer face-to-face pop-up sessions, online meetings, a survey and competition. Register with Your Wellington Your Say to be kept up to date! A list of all the pop-up events, the survey and other engagement activities will be listed on project site and Healthy Wellington Newsfeed.

    Council wants to find out about the health and wellbeing priorities that matter to locals of all ages, such as being physically active, looking after our mental health, equitable access and inclusion, and impacts of climate change on our health.

    The new plan will include previously separate plans – the Wellington Community Early Years Plan; Wellington Youth Strategy and the Age Friendly Strategy – creating an all-age plan built around a partnership group made up of state and federal government, community and not-for-profit organisations, and community groups.

    As Council looks at what it should focus on over the next four years, it is also a good time to discuss previous approaches and consultations – what did Council get right and wrong, and what did it miss?

    Council will collate, review and analyse all feedback received and provide respondents with a summary of the ideas received and how it will use them.