What is a local law?

    Victorian councils have the broad power to make local laws ‘for or with respect to any act, matter or thing in respect of which the council has a function or power under this or any other Act’ (Local Government Act 2020, section 71(1)).

    Councils utilise local laws to respond to issues and community needs within a local context. They typically deal with, but are not limited to, protection of local amenity as well as regulating activities on council controlled land and roads.

    The Local Government Act 2020 continues the long-standing ability for councils to make local laws, but how they are made, and their application have been amended to improve the relevance and effectiveness of local laws.

    What is a common seal?

    A common seal is a rubber stamp that’s used for the execution of documents. Council’s common seal is used for various documents including planning documents, appointments and agreements.

    Use of the common seal may or may not be appropriate, depending on the applicable legal requirements.