Seaspray Pump Track Consultation
Consultation has concluded
*This consultation has closed*
Seaspray Pump Track Community Consultation
Wellington Shire Council is seeking to understand community support for the construction of a pump track on the foreshore at Seaspray.
The $150,000 asphalt pump track would provide recreational opportunities for a wide range of ages and abilities and is suitable for a range of wheeled sports (BMX, scooter, mountain bike, skateboard and roller skates).
$100,000 of the project is funded through the Federal Government's Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program and a $50,000 contribution by the Seaspray Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management. Construction is planned for the first half of 2023 if the project goes ahead.
Please tell us if you support a pump track to be built on the foreshore in Seaspray by completing the short survey below. Please note that you will be required to enter your name and address. This will help us identify you as a current ratepayer. This information is stored securely and will not be used for any other purpose.

Since 2020 townships across Wellington Shire have approached Council to construct pump tracks and expand skate parks.
Thanks to Federal Government funding the communities of Heyfield, Yarram and Maffra have had pump tracks constructed within already active precincts.
The Stratford Pump Track, adjacent to Apex Park Playspace was constructed as part of the Avon River Rail Bridge project funded by the State Government, while Sale Pump Track at Lions Park was funded by a mix of Council rates and external funding.
Constructed out of asphalt, pump tracks are created for a wide range of ages and abilities and have been seen as a safe space away from traffic for children to learn to ride bikes and scooters.
In 2021, the Seaspray Foreshore Committee of Management approached Council with a proposal to construct an asphalt pump track in Seaspray, with the view to provide additional recreation opportunities for residents and visitors to the township.
With funds being provided through the Foreshore Committee of Management and the Federal Government's Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, Council agreed to support the project and having experience in the construction of pump tracks, reached agreement with the Seaspray Foreshore Committee and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning to construct and maintain the pump track.
In assessing the most appropriate site, key planning considerations were applied to determine the preferred location. Considerations included:
Proximity to supporting infrastructure - shelter, BBQ, public toilet, litter bins
Multi-use recreation site – connection to other play/recreation facilities
Connection to community – creating spaces for the whole community
Passive surveillance – increased opportunity for seeing and being seen
Provision of space – impact on existing trees/vegetation
The sites that have been investigated are:
This site was ruled as not suitable due to:
Lack of suitable space to construct
Impact on existing trees
Disconnect to community active precinct
Lack of provision of shelter, toilet, litter bins – additional cost to ratepayers
Not multi-use – distance from public playspace
This site was ruled not suitable due to:
Disconnect to community active precinct
Lack of provision of toilet, shelter, litter bins - additional cost to ratepayers
Additional costs to restrict vehicles parking on the reserve
Not multi-use – distance from public playspace
This site was ruled as not suitable due to:
Not multi-use – distance from playspace
Disconnect to community active precinct
Lack of provision of shelter, litter bins – additional cost to ratepayers
While there is some connection to the existing playspace and shelter at Memorial Park, this site was ruled as not suitable due to:
Process of closing this small section of Lyons Street will take time and exceed the timeframes allocated to the funding program
Additional bollards to restrict vehicle access
Disconnect from community active precinct
This site, busy over the summer holidays with food trucks and carnival activities, was ruled as not suitable due to:
Lack of provision of facilities – shelter, litter bins, public toilet – additional cost to ratepayer
Not multi-use – distance from playspace

Proximity to existing playground
Provision of toilets, shelter and litter bins nearby
Excellent passive surveillance
Proximity to General Store and other community facilities
Council is seeking your input to determine whether the community of Seaspray and The Honeysuckles would like a pump track constructed.
If you are a ratepayer in these communities, simply open the survey, complete it and submit to have your say.
The results will be presented to Council and a decision will be made as to whether the project proceeds.
Should you have any questions in relation to the project, please contact Council’s Open Space Planner on 1300 366 244.
What happens next?
Once the survey closes, the results will be tallied and a decision made on whether to proceed with the project.
Should the project proceed:
Tender process will be undertaken to appoint a track builder
Concepts will be developed for the broader community to vote on which track layout should be constructed – most popular vote
Construction would commence February/March 2023 (subject to all planning requirements being met)
Council will provide an update to all property owners once a decision has been made.