What is a pump track?

    A pump track is a circuit of rollers, banked turns and features which can be ridden without pedalling, or pushing. A pump track can be ridden by mountain bikes, BMX, scooters, skateboarders…even rollerblades or roller skates.

    Why is the track made out of asphalt?

    While there are options for pump tracks to be constructed out of concrete and gravel, it was decided that from a rideable surface for bikes, scooters and skateboards, asphalt would be most cost effective.

    Will the construction of the pump track impact the current use of the reserve?

    No. The proposed works will be contained within the former Rockley Tennis Court area. Any vehicle access will not impede the current use of the reserve.

    Why is Council building a pump track here?

    The former Rockley Tennis Court site is situated close to primary and secondary schools and is already used to ride scooters and bikes.

    What about more parking?

    This project is not looking to increase parking along Dawson Street. There is a large area off McLachlan Street that is regularly used as a car park, with good connecting paths through the reserve to allow for any potential increase use of the reserve.

    What additional items will be included as part of the project?

    Common Ground will be landscaping the area and will include a number of trees that will one day create shade for spectators and users. Council will install a number of seats and a rubbish bin as part of the works.

    Should additional funding be secured to assist in the delivery of future stages, Council will look to install a picnic shelter and tables in the area.

    Will CCTV be included in the project?

    Closed circuit television cameras are a tool used by Victoria Police to be able to monitor known hot spots where crime statistics support. While there is instances of minor vandalism, the construction of the pump track does not support the inclusion of CCTV. Should Victoria Police crime statistics change over the coming years, then this will be reviewed.