What is the purpose of these three infrastructure plans?

    The Community Infrastructure Plan, Sporting Infrastructure Plan and Early Years Infrastructure Plan provide recommendations for Council to deliver priorities identified in the Community Managed Facilities Strategy 2020-25. They provide guidance to Council to improve the management, capacity, quality and functionality of halls, recreation reserves, kindergartens, childcare and other community facilities, like senior citizens centres and museums in the coming years. 

    How do I know what is being planned for my facility or community?

    Across the three plans and Community Managed Facilities Strategy 2020-25 there have been just over 100 actions recommended. These actions have been grouped against 6 categories:

    • Infrastructure
    • Operational
    • Planning
    • Guiding Principles
    • Advocacy
    • Activation & Rationalisation

    The two page summary for each plan (located in the document library) provides a high level overview of the recommendations. 

    Some of the actions have already been delivered. These include updating the Operational Subsidies to Risk and Maintenance Subsidies and updating the Project Prioritisation Model. 

    Planning actions will provide further guidance on the infrastructure projects and support funding submissions to external agencies. 

    When will these changes to facilities be delivered?

    The two page summary for each plan (found in the document library) provides an overview of the key projects to be delivered over the next 5 years.

    Who decides what the priorities for development projects are, and what criteria do they use?

    Projects are identified through planning processes like these infrastructure plans, maintenance audits, specific Facility Management Plans and community conversations.

    Infrastructure projects are added to the Project Prioritisation Model and a Primary and Secondary Assessment is undertaken. 

    The primary assessment allocates a weighted score against 5 criteria to determine which projects should be considered. The criteria includes;

    • Hierarchy level
    •  Asset component importance – community and Council
    • Participation outcomes
    • Compliance / environmental / operational improvements
    • Asset condition rating

    The secondary assessment is undertaken as part of the capital planning and includes, but not limited to;

    • Township demographics including population changes
    • Social/cultural importance of facility
    • Duplication of facilities/services and opportunities for rationalisation
    • Related projects (similar projects or other projects that could be delivered at the same time)
    • Governance and facility management/functionality of committees and land ownership
    • Facility condition vs participation/social influences
    • Timing for project delivery and funding availability

    After these processes are complete, recommendations for each year's project delivery are submitted to Council through the annual budget process.

    How will the projects be funded?

    Council uses a range of funding sources to support community facility development. These include:

    • Rates
    • State and Federal Government grants
    • State and Federal Government one-off funding programs to support community recovery from drought, fire, flood, COVID etc.
    • Community contributions

    Each project is assessed to find the best mix of funding to support a good community outcome.