Future Wellington Survey

Help shape the future of Wellington Shire!
Wellington Shire Council needs your help to plan for the future. We are reviewing our Community Vision, Council Plan, Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, Asset, and Financial Plans and we want to hear from you!

Win a $50 voucher!
By completing this survey, you can help shape the future of Wellington Shire and have the chance to win one of four $50 vouchers.

Open for feedback: 1 July to 31 August 2024 

Time to complete: Less than 10 minutes

0% answered


What is the Community Vision?
The Community Vision 2031 was first created in 2008 and has been regularly reviewed over time. It represents what our community wants Wellington Shire to look like in the future.

Why are we asking for your feedback?
We have been working towards the Community Vision 2031 along with our Council Plan 2021-2025. Now, we want to check that this vision still matches your goals and priorities.

What we will be asking?
The survey will ask:

  • Non-identifiable information about you
  • Your goals for Wellington’s future
  • Your priorities and what is important to you
  • How we can help you live a healthier life

How will your feedback be used?
The feedback you provide will help us create the following documents:

  • Community Vision (Future Wellington 2050)
  • Council Plan 2025-2029
  • Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (Live Well in Wellington)
  • Asset Plan
  • Financial Plan

Need Help?
If you need assistance with the survey, please email futurewellington@wellington.vic.gov.au or phone 1300 366 244. You can also download a printable Word version of the survey from the homepage.

Your feedback will remain confidential. You will not be identified, as the information will be used in summary only. If you choose to provide your personal information to be contacted it will only be used for its intended purpose.