Community Preparedness - Local Emergency Directory

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Following on from community emergency preparedness sessions that were held throughout March 2024, we have listened to community feedback and have produced draft Local Emergency Directories (LEDs) for additional communities.

These simple 2-page documents feature emergency information relevant to these localities and a map detailing landmarks, defibrillator locations, access roads, first aid kit locations and more.

How to get involved?

We are seeking your feedback on the LED for your community in order to finalise these important reference documents. To provide feedback, please respond to the two simple questions below when your communities draft LED is available. 

All feedback will be taken into consideration, and we value your contribution.

Next Steps

Once the feedback cycle closes, your Community LED will be produced, printed and available on the Wellington Shire Council website.

If you would like a community LED for your town then fill out the expression of interest form here:

Following on from community emergency preparedness sessions that were held throughout March 2024, we have listened to community feedback and have produced draft Local Emergency Directories (LEDs) for additional communities.

These simple 2-page documents feature emergency information relevant to these localities and a map detailing landmarks, defibrillator locations, access roads, first aid kit locations and more.

How to get involved?

We are seeking your feedback on the LED for your community in order to finalise these important reference documents. To provide feedback, please respond to the two simple questions below when your communities draft LED is available. 

All feedback will be taken into consideration, and we value your contribution.

Next Steps

Once the feedback cycle closes, your Community LED will be produced, printed and available on the Wellington Shire Council website.

If you would like a community LED for your town then fill out the expression of interest form here:

  • To support community safety and preparedness, Wellington Shire has been offering to assist the creation of Local Emergency Directories (LEDs) for various communities across the Shire. The directories include a map detailing critical information such as the locations of local emergency services (Police, CFA, Ambulance) and defibrillator locations. They also include a handy checklist which you can follow to prepare for, plan and act should an emergency occur. 

    Currently there are 10 communities within Wellington Shire that have LEDs: 

    • Carrajung & Carrajung Lower
    • Coongulla
    • Devon North
    • Golden Beach & Paradise Beach
    • Gormandale
    • Meerlieu
    • McLoughlins Beach
    • Tarra Valley
    • Woodside & Woodside Beach
    • Yarram

    You can see these LED's and learn more here.

    How does your community get involved? 

    We are now reaching out to any community across the Shire without an LED to understand which communities are interested in the creation of an LED.

    If you would like an LED created for your community, please complete this Expression of Interest form to provide us with your contact details and one of our Community Preparedness Officers will be in touch with you to gather the required information.  

    What happens after the EOI process? 

    Once an LED has been developed to a draft level there will be an online community consultation period of two weeks, including a local, in-person session for the community to provide further feedback on the document. Once the feedback period concludes, final changes will be determined and the finalised LED produced. The LED will then be available on Wellington Shire’s website as well as available in a printed hard copy for residents. 

    Complete Form
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Page last updated: 17 Mar 2025, 03:31 PM