Wellington Business Boost Reference Group

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Wellington Business Boost Reference Group Feedback

The Wellington Business Boost Reference Group was born during Covid-19 lockdowns as a platform for business and tourism groups in Wellington Shire to share information and start conversations with Wellington Shire Council. Now that we are operating as business as usual following the pandemic, it is time to consider the future of this group.

To understand how we can all best benefit from this group, we are seeking your feedback in a short survey. Please click link here to complete the survey.

We encourage you to provide your feedback to ensure that the Wellington Shire Business Boost Reference Group continues to add value to your town's business activities.

We look forward to hearing from you.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Kirsten Power - Acting Senior Economic Development Officer by calling 5142 3254 or email kirstenp@wellington.vic.gov.au.

Wellington Business Boost Reference Group Feedback

The Wellington Business Boost Reference Group was born during Covid-19 lockdowns as a platform for business and tourism groups in Wellington Shire to share information and start conversations with Wellington Shire Council. Now that we are operating as business as usual following the pandemic, it is time to consider the future of this group.

To understand how we can all best benefit from this group, we are seeking your feedback in a short survey. Please click link here to complete the survey.

We encourage you to provide your feedback to ensure that the Wellington Shire Business Boost Reference Group continues to add value to your town's business activities.

We look forward to hearing from you.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Kirsten Power - Acting Senior Economic Development Officer by calling 5142 3254 or email kirstenp@wellington.vic.gov.au.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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